Thursday 7 April 2011

Target Audience Research Questionnaire

1)How old are you?
2)What area do you live in?
3)How would you describe your area?
4)How often do you watch films?
5)Where is it that you watch most of your films?
6)What is your favourite genre of film?
7)Do you enjoy watching short films?
8)Do you have a favourite short film?
9)What connotation does the term ‘short film’ conjure?
10)How long do you think a short film should be, in order for it to have an effect on the audience?
11)Do you know of the social realism genre?
12)If so how would you define it and if not what do you think this genre consists of?
13)Have you ever seen a social realism film? (Films such as Adulthood, Kidulthood, This is England.)
14)How would you define depression?
15)What do you think are the symptoms of depression?
16)Do you think there is a place in the market for short films revolving around teenage depression?
17)Would you at all be interested in watching a short film, revolving around a girl with depression?
18)Have you ever had any experience with depression personally or do you know others who have?
19)Have you seen the issue of depression addressed in different areas of the media? If so how has it been addressed?
20)Have you any films/shows which represent and explore the issue of depression? If so, was the representation successful?
21)If a friend/family member was diagnosed with depression, do you think your relationship with that person would change? If so how?
22)In a film setting out to represent and explore the issue of depression, what do you think are important things for the filmmaker to pay attention to?

Analysis of Target Audience Research